WhatsApp is testing a new feature that aims to ensure users never miss an important message. The latest beta version for Android introduces reminder notifications for unread messages, expanding on a similar feature previously tested for status updates.
This new feature utilizes an internal algorithm to prioritize contacts based on interaction frequency. Once activated, WhatsApp may send reminders for unread messages, particularly from those you communicate with most often.
The reminder feature is optional, allowing users to enable or disable it according to their preferences. While some may find reminders helpful, others may find them intrusive.
This update is part of WhatsApp’s ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and communication efficiency. The app has also been working on other features, such as QR code sharing for channels, voice message transcripts, and themed icons for contacts and group chats.
As WhatsApp continues to evolve, users can expect further updates and features designed to improve communication and streamline messaging.