Vivo has announced its entry into the mixed-reality arena, revealing plans to develop a headset that could surpass Apple Vision Pro. While details remain scarce, the company aims to showcase a prototype in late 2025, with “high-fidelity prototype experiences” planned for select Chinese cities.
Vivo’s mixed-reality team has reportedly grown to over 500 members, signaling the company’s commitment to this emerging technology. Although no specific features or specifications have been revealed, Vivo aims to challenge Apple Vision Pro in key areas.
The Apple Vision Pro, despite facing commercial challenges, is widely regarded for its advanced hardware and features. Vivo’s ambition to outdo Apple in the mixed-reality space highlights the growing competition in this market.
However, it’s important to note that Vivo’s headset is still in the prototype stage, with no confirmed release date or pricing information. The company’s target of late 2025 for prototype experiences suggests that a consumer version may still be some time away.
Vivo’s announcement joins a growing trend of companies teasing mixed-reality products that are not yet available for purchase. Meta recently showcased its “Orion” MR glasses, while Samsung unveiled “Project Moohan,” an Android XR headset expected to debut next year.
As the mixed-reality landscape continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how Vivo’s headset will position itself in terms of features, pricing, and availability. The company’s success will likely depend on its ability to overcome the challenges that have hindered wider adoption of mixed-reality technology, including high costs and limited content.