Get Outfit, the fashion discovery app powered by AI and creator content, announces the launch of its groundbreaking “Get Outfit for Creators” program. This initiative redefines the shopping experience for users while unlocking new revenue streams for influencers.
Influencers with over 1,000 followers can join the platform and earn commissions from over 2,000 diverse brands and designers. Create personalized pages, curate collections, and share them on social media, inspiring users with styles for every occasion.
With over 50 influencers already onboard, including both mega-influencers and niche stylists, Get Outfit is committed to supporting both emerging and established creators. Subscription models and dedicated UGC sections are planned, further empowering community engagement and revenue generation.
Get Outfit pledges over $5 million in creator payments over the next three years, aligning with the UAE’s vision to support this rapidly growing industry.