Apple has reportedly put the development of its second-generation Vision Pro headset on hold to prioritize a more affordable model, according to The Information. The company, originally planning to release both a Pro and a standard version of the headset, has shifted resources towards the budget-friendly “Vision” model, aiming for a price point around $1,600 – similar to a high-end iPhone.
Development of the lower-cost Vision began in 2022, but achieving the target price without sacrificing too many features has proved challenging. The release, initially planned for late 2024, is now expected to be delayed beyond the revised target of late 2025.
Apple is striving to maintain the high-end display components from the Vision Pro in the new model to ensure a premium visual experience. However, to meet the targeted price point, Apple might make concessions in other areas. The company is considering reducing the number of cameras, opting for smaller speakers, and simplifying the headband design to cut costs. Additionally, the company aims to make the new headset at least one-third lighter than the Vision Pro, improving comfort during extended use.
This shift in focus comes as demand for the Vision Pro has been weaker than expected, with one supplier reportedly cutting production by half in May. Current estimates suggest only around 500,000 Vision Pro units will be produced this year, which is a significant drop compared to Apple’s initial projections.