The Batman is a return to form for DC. A dark movie about the dark knight, here is our review that helps bring the movie into the light. This review will be mostly spoiler free, but it can’t be completely, so we are going to put out a precautionary spoiler alert.
When the movie was announced, many of us were left scratching our heads on the choice of Robert Pattinson as Batman. While he is a brilliant actor, his physique doesn’t scream batman.
And certainly there are some major negatives about his acting in the movie.
Unfortunately Robert has got a bad rep due to the Twilight saga. However if you watch any of his other roles, you will know how talented he truly is.
In The Batman he almost seems like two different actors. Which seems quite fitting since we are talking about Batman and Bruce Wayne. However this isn’t all that good in this case.
Robert as Batman was actually quite amazing. His jawline seems just perfect and his stoic demeanor works as well. Still not great, when slow-walking around in the darkness he looked like an uncle with his belly out. Not the best, but overall quite enjoyable.
However, as Bruce, he seems to have been inspired by his Twilight days. Personally I think he didn’t do a good job, especially when acting next to the great Andy Serkis. The chemistry was not really there, and overall he just came across as annoying. This is not Bruce, spoiled, entitled and snobby, yes, but not annoying. His body was that of a short Belter (watch Expanse if you haven’t)
This is not to say the movie was bad, far from it. The directing, story and cinematography was just so beautiful that it is coming close to being one of the best live action Batman movies ever made. The Dark Knight is still the best, IMO.
The highlight of the movie, just like the Dark Knight, was the antagonist. His acting was brilliant. Paul Dano is a phenomenal actor and if you haven’t seen his other work, you must get on it immediately (Ruby Sparks).
The Batman is slow, long and dark. But you will enjoy almost every moment of it. The pacing works, the usage of light is brilliant, the story telling flows like poetry in a painting. If you think I’m talking up the movie a lot and now it’s going to disappoint, I don’t think it will.
Another great actor is Colin Farrell, not only did he act beautifully, his make up was so perfect, I’m still finding it hard to believe it was actually him.
Zoë Kravitz was surprisingly good as Cat Woman. I’m not a big fan of her previous work, always finding her a bit stoic and emotionless. Which she does come across in this movie as well, but she was relatively good and held her own.
I also need to mention Jeffrey Wright as Gordon was an absolutely brilliant move. Jeffery is another great and understated actor. I applaud the choice and take my hat off to his acting. Stellar role, beautifully portrayed.
Matt Reeves or Peter Craig, have written one hell of a script. The story is well constructed leaving you with enough mystery and intrigue to have you constantly thinking, guessing and if you don’t want to do that, you will enjoy the ride.
Matt Reeves also did a great job with the directing. Even though I feel like Robert Pattinson was not the best choice, the directing and writing more than made up for it.
The cinematography was also brilliant. Some beautifully detailed sets, mixed with amazing lighting and camera angles just makes for a brilliant movie experience.
Let me end this review by saying something about the direction taken by this movie. At this point I would say don’t read ahead if you haven’t watched the movie yet. Spoiler alert! You have been warned.
If you look through the history of Batman as a character, he started off his comic book life as basically a really good detective with some tools. He was a grounded and simple character with lots of skill and a great personality. The Batman, seems like a nod to that. He still keeps up with his modern day perception of a superhero, but this movie really focuses on the detective aspect of his background.
Batman, in The Batman, is young, still figuring out his brand of superhero vigilante. You can see him make mistakes, fight harder and hurt people more. Not being as calculated or cautious as he ends up becoming. Not holding back and jumping in before thinking everything through. Yet he is a brilliant detective with a sharp mind and able to see things that even police couldn’t.
This movie has me excited to see what else is in store for Batman, and hopefully DC can stop making disappointing movies like the entire Justice League set of films (yes, even the very good Snyder cut).
All of that and he still gets manipulated. This goes to show the beautiful mind of The Riddler. While Batman does usually outsmart his enemies, it was nice to see him not have a decisive victory. Batman is human. A smart, strong, wealthy human; but still a human. The riddler, also a human. Deranged and psychotic, but still human. You can relate to both these characters.
The movie ends with a lot to look forward to. I for one, can’t wait.
Go watch The Batman in the cinema. You will not be disappointed.