Prime Video’s “Secret Level” anthology series, executive produced by “Deadpool” director Tim Miller, promised a thrilling dive into the expansive universes of beloved video game franchises. While the concept held immense potential, the execution falters, leaving viewers with a series of disjointed narratives that feel more like extended trailers than compelling stories.
Secret Level
The anthology format, featuring 15 episodes ranging from 7 to 17 minutes, offered a unique opportunity to explore the rich lore and diverse worlds of iconic gaming titles. However, “Secret Level” struggles to capitalize on this potential, often delivering shallow narratives that barely scratch the surface of their source material.
The series attempts to cater to both seasoned gamers and newcomers, but ultimately fails to satisfy either audience. Gamers familiar with the franchises may find the simplistic storylines and lack of depth disappointing, while those unfamiliar with the games may struggle to connect with the disjointed narratives and underdeveloped characters.
One of the most glaring issues with “Secret Level” is its repetitive reliance on the theme of death and resurrection. Several episodes, including “Sifu: It Takes A Life,” “New World: The Once and Future King,” and “Spelunky: Tally,” revolve around this concept, leading to a sense of monotony and predictability.
While the concept of multiple lives is integral to many video games, “Secret Level” fails to explore this theme in a meaningful way. Instead, it becomes a crutch, used to propel the narratives forward without offering any significant insights or emotional depth.
Despite its shortcomings, “Secret Level” does offer a few glimmers of hope. “New World: The Once and Future King” stands out as one of the stronger episodes, thanks in part to its humorous narrative and the voice talents of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The episode follows the misadventures of King Aelstrom, a pompous monarch who finds himself stranded on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Determined to conquer the island and reclaim his throne, Aelstrom’s efforts are repeatedly thwarted, leading to hilarious situations and witty banter with his loyal squire, Scaevola.
Another noteworthy episode is “PAC-MAN: Circle,” which reimagines the classic arcade game in a dark and violent setting. The episode’s ultraviolent visuals and unexpected twist on the beloved character offer a refreshing departure from the series’ otherwise predictable narratives.
While “Secret Level” boasts an impressive cast, including Keanu Reeves, Kevin Hart, and other notable names, the series struggles to find its footing. The animation quality is inconsistent, ranging from stunning visuals in episodes like “Sifu” to more generic and uninspired animation in others.
The lack of cohesion and overarching narrative further contribute to the series’ disjointed feel. Each episode exists in its own isolated world, with little to no connection to the others. This lack of continuity prevents the series from building momentum or creating a sense of anticipation for what’s to come.
For gamers, “Secret Level” feels like a missed opportunity to delve deeper into the beloved worlds of their favorite franchises. The series’ superficial treatment of these iconic games may leave fans feeling frustrated and unfulfilled.
The short episode lengths further exacerbate this issue, preventing the narratives from fully developing or exploring the complexities of their respective universes. Many episodes feel rushed and incomplete, leaving viewers with a sense of dissatisfaction.
“Secret Level” ultimately feels more like a collection of video game commercials than a cohesive anthology series. The episodes often prioritize visual spectacle over meaningful storytelling, leaving viewers with a series of flashy but ultimately empty experiences.
The series’ reliance on familiar tropes and predictable narratives further diminishes its impact. “Secret Level” fails to offer anything new or innovative, instead retreading familiar ground in a way that feels both uninspired and unoriginal.
Despite its initial promise, “Secret Level” falls short of expectations. The series’ disjointed narratives, repetitive themes, and lack of depth ultimately make it a forgettable experience. While a few episodes offer glimmers of hope, the overall execution leaves much to be desired.