“Better Man,” the new film chronicling the life of pop icon Robbie Williams, is not your typical musical biopic. Director Michael Gracey, known for his visually spectacular “The Greatest Showman,” takes a bold and imaginative approach, presenting Williams’ story with a surreal twist: the singer is portrayed throughout the film by a computer-generated chimpanzee.
Better Man
This unexpected creative choice, while initially jarring, proves to be a masterstroke. It allows the film to transcend the often-formulaic conventions of the musical biopic genre, creating a unique and engaging experience that is both entertaining and emotionally resonant.
The film follows Williams’ journey from a young boy with dreams of stardom to his rise to fame as a member of the popular boy band Take That, and his subsequent solo career marked by both triumphs and personal struggles. While the narrative touches on familiar themes of ambition, identity, and redemption, the chimpanzee element adds a layer of artifice that liberates the film from the constraints of strict realism.
Gracey’s masterful direction shines through in the film’s musical sequences. Williams’ diverse catalog of songs is brought to life through a series of visually stunning and imaginative set pieces. From graceful ballets to elaborate one-take shots, and even a stylized action sequence where Williams confronts his inner demons, the musical numbers are seamlessly integrated into the narrative and showcase Gracey’s talent for creating captivating cinematic experiences.
Despite the film’s fantastical elements, “Better Man” doesn’t shy away from exploring the complexities of Williams’ life. His battles with depression, addiction, and his complicated relationship with his father are depicted with sensitivity and honesty, adding depth and nuance to the character. The chimpanzee portrayal, rather than distancing the audience, allows for a deeper emotional connection by emphasizing the universal nature of these struggles.
“Better Man” is a film that defies categorization. It’s a musical biopic that embraces the absurd, a character study that transcends the limitations of traditional storytelling, and a visual feast that will leave audiences mesmerized. The film’s willingness to experiment with form and content, coupled with its emotional core, makes it a truly unique and rewarding cinematic experience. Whether you’re a longtime fan of Robbie Williams or simply looking for a film that dares to be different, “Better Man” is a must-see.